Dental Implant Timeline in Columbus, OH

What To Expect During the Dental Implant Procedure

Have you been embarrassed to show your smile lately because of missing, broken, or failing teeth? You don’t have to hide your smile anymore. Dental implants from Dr. Sam Latif at Keep Smiling Columbus in Columbus, OH, can give you back the beautiful, functional smile you deserve.

Dental implants are a long-term solution that looks and functions like natural teeth. Dr. Latif is a highly experienced implant dentist who will guide you through every step of the implant process. Read on to learn what’s involved in getting dental implants so you’ll know what to expect during your smile transformation with Dr. Latif.

What Are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

A dental implant is a titanium post that’s surgically placed into your jawbone to replace a missing or failing tooth root. A customized restoration is placed on top of the implant post to create an attractive, realistic-looking artificial tooth.

The titanium implant fuses to your jawbone through the process of osseointegration. This creates a sturdy anchor for your new tooth replacement. Dental implants preserve your facial structure and prevent bone loss in the area better than other tooth replacement options.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

There are many reasons dental implants are the gold standard for tooth replacement:

  • Look, feel, and function like natural teeth
  • Don’t require altering adjacent teeth
  • Preserve facial structure and prevent bone loss
  • Long-lasting when properly cared for
  • Improve chewing ability and nutrition
  • Boost self-confidence with an improved smile

If you’re missing one, several, or all of your teeth, dental implants can transform your smile. Dr. Latif creates custom treatment plans so patients with varying needs can experience the benefits of dental implants.

a woman smiles after her supplemental procedures that helped her become a better candidate for dental implants

Dental Implant Timeline with Dr. Sam Latif

The dental implant process is a team effort between you, Dr. Latif, and his talented staff. Here are the steps you can expect for your dental implant treatment timeline:

Initial Consultation

Your dental implant journey starts with a consultation at Keep Smiling Columbus. During this appointment, Dr. Latif will:

  • Examine your smile and take x-rays
  • Discuss your goals and ideal treatment plan
  • Answer questions about the process
  • Provide a cost estimate based on your individual needs

This consultation helps ensure implants are the right solution for you before moving forward.

Bone Grafting (If Necessary)

If your jawbone isn’t thick enough to support an implant, you may need a bone graft before or during implant placement. This minor procedure builds up your jawbone for a secure implant site.

Smile Makeover Planning

Dr. Latif offers cutting-edge digital smile makeover planning. Advanced 3D imaging shows how your smile will look with the proposed implants before they’re placed. This technology allows for a seamless implant treatment process.

Implant Placement Surgery

During this procedure, Dr. Latif will surgically place the implant posts into your jawbone. This is done while you’re under local anesthesia to maximize your comfort. You’ll receive any necessary medication to help you relax.

The implants need to integrate with the bone over the next several months. During this time, you’ll wear temporary replacement teeth.

Healing Time

The exact healing time varies between patients. However, your implants will typically heal and integrate within three to six months. Dr. Latif will monitor your healing and let you know when your implants are ready for the next phase.

You’ll wear removable temporary dentures or a temporary bridge while you heal. Taking excellent care of your temporary teeth and implant sites will lead to the most successful results.

Abutment Placement

Once your implants have fully integrated with your bone, they’re ready for abutments. Abutments are posts that connect your implants to your replacement teeth.

Dr. Latif will surgically place the abutments during this quick appointment. Placing abutments signals the final stretch to your beautiful new implant-supported teeth.

Crowns or Dentures Placement

During your last appointment, Dr. Latif will secure your realistic, customized replacement teeth onto the abutments. If you opt for implant crowns, your new crowns will be placed. For implant overdentures or full dentures, your dentures will snap onto the abutments.

After your final appointment, you’ll have your complete smile transformation. You’ll be ready to eat all your favorite foods and smile confidently again.

Keep Smiling with Proper Care

Dental implants can last decades with proper oral hygiene and professional cleanings. Dr. Latif and his team will advise you on caring for your implants and replacement teeth. Follow their recommendations to protect your investment.

With good home and professional care, your implants and smile makeover results can last for life. Maintaining your implants will also preserve your facial structure and jawbone density.

Frequently Asked Questions

Transform Your Smile at Keep Smiling Columbus

 If you’re ready to improve your quality of life with dental implants, partner with Dr. Sam Latif at Keep Smiling Columbus. Schedule an initial consultation by calling (614) 459-7300 to get started on your personalized treatment plan.

Dr. Latif will walk you through every phase of the implant timeline to help you regain your best smile. Contact Keep Smiling Columbus today to schedule your consultation.
